The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died

Elon Musk says no primates died as a result of Neuralink’s implants. A WIRED investigation now reveals the grisly specifics of their deaths as US authorities have been asked to investigate Musk’s... Read more »

The UK Is Burning Climate Pledges to Fuel a Culture War

Faced with an election he is likely to lose, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is taking the unusual step of scrapping key climate policies. Read more »

A Pair of Sun Probes Just Got Closer to Solving a Solar Enigma

The solar corona is hotter than expected, and scientists are using European Space Agency and NASA spacecraft to figure out why. Read more »

The Mysterious ‘Warming Hole’ in the Middle of the US

The world is rapidly heating. So why has the central US been weirdly cool compared to the rest of the country? Read more »

How a ‘Digital Peeping Tom’ Unmasked Porn Actors

It’s like the secret identity of Batman or Superman. You’re not supposed to know who this person is, they didn’t want you to know, and somehow you found out. Read more »