Auto Workers Union To Hit ‘Big 3’ With Targeted Strikes, Leader Says

Rather than strike all facilities at once, the union’s president said they would wage strategic walkouts at Ford, GM and Stellantis if they don’t reach deals. Read more »

Marie Kondo and the Manhattan Project

What does the author and lifestyle guru have in common with the mathematician Stan Ulam—and Benjamin Franklin? Read more »

Scientists Say You’re Looking for Alien Civilizations All Wrong

A new report lays out a modern way to search for E.T., calling for better use of big data and machine learning techniques. Read more »

Why Some Animals Thrive in Cities

Why does some wildlife thrive in the city? Figuring this out is the first step to boosting urban biodiversity. And that’s good for everyone. Read more »

The US Congress Has Trust Issues. Generative AI Is Making It Worse

Senators are meeting with Silicon Valley’s elite to learn how to deal with AI. But can Congress tackle the rapidly emerging tech before working on itself? Read more »

The Twisted Eye in the Sky Over Buenos Aires

A scandal unfolding in Argentina shows the dangers of implementing facial recognition—even with laws and limits in place. Read more »

Apple’s New IPhones Get New Charging Systems

The showcase at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, comes as the company tries to reverse a mild slump that has seen its sales drop. Read more »