Dr. Anna Alex, M.D.-Ph.D.

February 22, 2020

Doctor Anna Alex, immunologist, was born in Russia. She graduated summa cum laude with an MA in Economics at Sevastopol State University and moved on to earn her PhD-MD in Immunology at S.I. Georgievsky’s Medical Academy. She has published numerous Russian scholarly articles in the area of immunology. Upon completion of her PhD-MD research thesis at S.I. Georgievsky’s Medical Academy, she held postdoctoral research training appointments in prominent immunology laboratories. She now aims to share her knowledge of immunology with those who are seeking more clarity about immunization, immunity, and the immune system, and who know that the science is never settled.

Dr. Anna Alex has been passionate about health and medicine for the majority of her life. As a doctor of immunology (MD), she has dealt with thousands of patients. She was initially trained under the methods of conventional medicine and treated patients using prescription drugs during her first years of private practice. As she began to experience the certain failures of conventional medicine, she embraced natural medicine and found great success with holistic approaches. During her post-doctoral years, she realized that the so-called ‘academic freedom’ of the mainstream research establishment has been subjugated to a pharmaceutically-driven paradigm.

Dr. Anna Alex integrated her passion for natural health with modern medicine and founded Nature’s BioScience (NBSC), which became well-known for its whole-body approach to medicine. Her company, NBSC, sells branded products backed by scientific research, dedicated to the pursuit of emerging science over fads. She aims to provide the highest quality health, nutritional, and longevity supplements that will not partake in any overseas manufacturing in order to provide purity and potency.

She has formerly studied nutrition, along with writing and lecturing health-related matters. Dr. Anna Alex has devoted considerable attention to how diet, lifestyle and dietary supplementation aids in the sustenance of wellness. She strives to seek out and present modern research that continues to refine our knowledge of how our daily choices can create specific vulnerabilities in the immune system, which may allow viruses or bacteria to become a threat to our health or survival.

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