23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews

At least a million data points from 23andMe accounts appear to have been exposed on BreachForums. While the scale of the campaign is unknown, 23andMe says it’s working to verify the data. Read more »

General Motors Agrees To Put Battery Workers Under Union Contract, UAW Says

The union’s president called it a major step in a “just transition” for workers toward electric vehicle manufacturing. Read more »

Meet the Next Generation of Doctors—and Their Surgical Robots

Don’t worry, your next surgeon will definitely be a human. But just as medical students are training to use a scalpel, they’re also training to use robots designed to make surgeries easier. Read more »

These Pilots Were Sued For Quitting. They Say It Was Dangerous To Stay.

A small airline has taken roughly 80 former pilots to court over training debts. In interviews, many cited safety concerns as the reason they left. Read more »

As Amazon Launches Project Kuiper, Astronomers Debate How to Fix a Satellite-Filled Sky

Large constellations interfere with telescope observations, and Amazon will eventually add another 3,200 satellites to the night sky. Scientists are concerned and searching for solutions. Read more »

Experts Have Been Predicting The Death Of Cable TV For Years. Is The End Now In Sight?

As more U.S. households turn to streaming and distributors have less incentive to remain in the business, the industry is in for a shake-up. Read more »

What Do We Owe the Octopus?

Mounting research suggests that cephalopods experience pain. Now, the National Institutes of Health is considering new animal welfare rules that would put them in the same category as monkeys. Read more »