Mark Milley, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is honored by Biden

At a ceremony on Friday where the nation’s highest-ranking military commander transferred the reigns to his successor, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., President Joe Biden saluted outgoing Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman... Read more »

Katalin Karikó’s Nobel Prize Marks the Beginning of a Vaccine Revolution

Nobel Prize winners Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman pioneered the technology that produced a Covid-19 vaccine in record time. Next, mRNA could tackle flu, malaria, and HIV. Read more »

Benefits of Sitting on a Stability Ball at Work

Normal office chairs are notorious for negatively impacting your posture, especially if you are sitting in them improperly. Slouching in your chair may also lead to a decrease in your core strength... Read more »

The Health Benefits of the 8 Most Powerful Blue Fruits and Vegetables

You’ve probably heard someone say that you should “eat the rainbow” for optimal nutrition. The idea is to fill your plate with an array of colorful fruits and vegetables that are chock... Read more »

The Health Benefits of Plant-Based Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital building block for good health. Since the human body can’t naturally produce these valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own, it relies on foods that are... Read more »

The Biggest Hack of 2023 Keeps Getting Bigger

Victims of the MOVEit breach continue to come forward. But the full scale of the attack is still unknown. Read more »

Predictive Policing Software Terrible at Predicting Crimes

A software company sold a New Jersey police department an algorithm that was right less than 1 percent of the time. Read more »

How Google Alters Search Queries to Get at Your Wallet

Testimony during Google’s antitrust case revealed that the company may be altering billions of queries a day to generate search results that will get you to buy more stuff. Read more »

What Will Plants Be Like on Alien Worlds?

Scientists know enough about exoplanets to speculate about how simple plants might arise on them. But don’t count on them being green. Read more »

Why It’s Too Soon to Call It Covid Season

Covid seems to spike twice a year—but unlike with flu season, not in a predictable pattern. That could be due to the virus, the environment, or the people it is infecting. Read more »