Courtenay Turner- Movement

February 22, 2020

WIM: What is Movement

“All human beings are designed to move and the ways in which they do are their unique creative expressions”.

Mission :

what is moment TM was created with the mission to inspire people to inhabit their bodies and connect to movement styles that resonate for them.

The show :

WIM interviews athletes, movement artists, performance artist, athletes with disabilities and everyday people who love to move and feel it’s been an integral part of their lives, we explore the ways that movement heals physically, emotionally, mentally and /or spiritually and delineate how movement enhances other aspects of life!

Throughout the course of the show talented movers are showcased in their element doing what they love.They will teach the interviewer, courtenay Turner some practice, skill or specific movement that is pertinent pertinent to their story. Each episode alone tells the inspiring tale of over comers who are a testament to the human spirit and Courtenay/s personal journey is the connecting Fabric!

About the founder:

Courtenay Turner was born with congenital rubella.Her mother had the German measles during first trimester of pregnancy.Some of the ramifications were unilateral blindness,severe bilateral hearing impairment,hypotonia affecting the limbs,heart complications, asymmetrical bone development,stunted growth,poor fine and graphic motor coordination and several other afflications. Doctors told her parents the best they could hope was to find an institution to put her in for life.From the baby nurse who put her in a wet sandbox, to her grandfather building a balence beam and exercises that her mother developed, to her childhood gymnastics and other individualized sports, Courtenay is a prime example of how movement is integral to development and healing! she attributes her ability to overcome lack of motion parallaxl depth perception, poor vestibular sense, hypotonic muscles and poor coordination to the movement practices she was immersed in from infancy to adulthood.she hopes to inspire others to find ways to inhabit their physical home and move in ways that heal their mind, body and spirit.

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